Evolution Aqua EA Tempest Filter
The Tempest can be used alongside any current filtration unit, and also on quarantine systems, or as a standalone filter on smaller ponds, providing additional mechanical and biological filtration. The Tempest filter is easy to install and is simple and quick to clean, with a patent-pending air syphon design, which works by drawing in air during the cleaning process, into the filter as it empties which then causes the water to agitate, cleaning the K+Media inside.
The Tempest is best used with Evolution Aqua's K+Media as the filter media, meaning particles down to one micron can be filtered. The K+Media is the result of extensive research and development, and is moulded with minerals for faster maturation times, which has been independently tested by IFTS (Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives).
How it works: Water is pumped up through the Tempest filter, and the K+Media moves to the top of the filter, becoming a mechanical barrier that traps debris as it flows through the system. Waste is trapped in the K+Media until the cleaning cycle dislodges it, and it gets flushed away.
Easy to clean: With the pump turned off, slide valves closed, and waste valve open, air is drawn into the filter. As air and water mix inside the filter tube, the media starts to move chaotically, dislodging the trapped waste. Dirty water then exits the filter tube at the bottom via the waste line, leaving clean media.
The K+Media is designed and manufactured by Evolution Aqua, with its innovative design and class leading surface area provides enhanced biological and mechanical filtration. As Evolution Aqua extrude the K+Media, minerals and enzymes are added to the raw material. The result of this process, unique to Evolution Aqua, is a filtration media that not only outperforms most of its competitors due to its large protected surface area, but also answers the problem of how to speed up the time taken to mature your filter. K+Media is proven by IFTS to remove all particles over 25 micron on each pass through the filter.
This can be used alongside current filtration, including the Evolution Aqua Nexus, or any bay, drum, pressurised or box filter, or as a standalone unit on ponds up to 5,000l. It can be used in a modular design, with multiple units being run together to facilitate a larger volume of water. It is recommended to install this after your current filtration as a polisher, rather than a pre-filter, to get the best result for your pond.
Class leading total surface area 1350m2 per m3
Vast protected surface area 1025m2 per m3
Filters mature faster with K+Media
Minerals incorporated into each piece during extrusion
Unique design for stable bio-film development
Exceptional solids removal