Ocean Nutrition
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Fish Eggs 100g
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Fish Eggs 100g
- An essential part of the natural diet of many marine and tropical fish. The fish eggs (600-800 microns) are of marine origin and contain high levels of the Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
- The surrounding membrane is a natural guarantee against leaching, thus ensuring optimal water quality
- Contains marine phospholipids which support the cell membrane and lipid transport in your shrimp and fish
- Ideal to wean fish off live food
- Believed to trigger breeding responses
Could be used for these groups of fish:
- Angels - Pygmy Angels
- Barbs - Tetra's - Rasbora's
- Basslets - Groupers
- Betta's
- Butterflyfish
- Catfish - Loaches - Eels
- Cichlids
- Clownfish
- Damsels - Anthias
- Discus - Angels
- Gobies - Blennies
- Invertebrates
- Labyrinthfish
- Livebearers
- Mandarins - Cardinals
- Rainbow Fish
- Seahorses - Razorfish
- Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs
- Surgeonfish
- Wrasses