Australian Freezed Dried Black Worms Loose 50g Bag

Australian Black Worms

Australian Freezed Dried Black Worms Loose 50g Bag


Available stock: 10

Australian Freezed Dried Black Worms Loose 50g Bag

Black worms are a naturally occuring aquatic worm that is commercially cultivated and then dried in a way which retains all their goodness. Black Worms are an excellent natural, high protein food for tropical fish and goldfish.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are your worms disease free?

Yes, Australia has very few if any diseases that are transmitted from water to fish and the area that I live and grow worms in is away from farming and industrial areas. The water that the worms are grown in, up to a short time ago, came from the same water supply that we got our drinking water from.


Is the protein content the same for live worms and freeze dried worms?


Yes, the only difference between the two is the water content of the live worms


What is the nutritional facts of your worms?


These results were taken from Australian Black Worms (freeze dried type) sent to Analytico, a commercial lab based in the Netherlands.








FD worms




FD worms




FD worms




FD worms

Carbohydrates (calculated)



FD worms



% of total fatty acids

FD worms



% of total fatty acids

FD worms

monounsaturated fatty acids


% of total fatty acids

FD worms

polyunsaturated fatty acids


% of total fatty acids

FD worms

omega 3 fatty acids


% of total fatty acids

FD worms

omega 6 fatty acids


% of total fatty acids

FD worms

energetic value


kJ/100 g

FD worms

energetic value


kcal/100 g

FD worms

The following results were done at Riverina Laboratories in Albury, NSW.


Crude Protein % as received..........................................................................54.52

Crude Fat % as received.................................................................................11.40

Crude Fibre% as received................................................................................0.20

Moisture % as received...................................................................................17.83

Solids % as received.........................................................................................82.17

Crude Protein % dry weight basis....................................................................66.35

Crude Fat % dry weight basis...........................................................................13.87

Crude Fibre % dry weight basis........................................................................0.24

How do you freeze dry your worms?

The worms go through the same cleaning and purging procedure as if they were going to be fed live. They are then frozen in 2.5 kg blocks and loaded into the Cuddens freeze drier. A vacuum pump takes all the air out of the chamber and then raises the temperature from minus 20deg C to 50deg C . Water will boil at 0 deg C in a vacuum, so as the frozen worms start to thaw, all moisture turns to a vapour that is then refrozen on coils inside the chamber. The process is a little bit more complicated then that, but that is the basis of how it is done. The important thing about the freeze drying process is that it will remove all the moisture from the worms without altering the nutritional facts of the product. The whole process of growing, cleaning and processing the worms is done at the one location insuring the best possible product.

My fish won’t feed from the top, how do I get them to eat the freeze dried worms?

With the cubes, press one against the inside of the tank half way down. It should stick against the side and the fish will then show more interest in it. Once your fish get used to freeze dried worms, they usually will take them from the surface.


Should I reconstitute freeze dried worms before feeding them to my fish?

No, just put the worms straight into the water and let your fish feast on them.


Will the worms swell up in the stomach of fish

No, they will take water back in but will not increase in size.

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