Ocean Nutrition
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Cyclops 100g
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Cyclops 100g
- Naturally nutritious frozen zooplankton
- The perfect live food replacement for both freshwater and marine fish larvae as well as for small omnivorous and carnivorous fish. Also excellent for marine filter-feeding corals and other invertebrates
- Average size of individ0ual cyclops is 300 μm (microns)
- Carefully cleaned to assure product quality and food safety
- Quickly frozen to keep cyclops whole and nutritious
Directions :
- Removes one or more frozen cubes from packaging
- Thaw in a cup of water before feeding or feed frozen
- Fish should be fed two or three times a day
- Only feed the amount that your fish will consume in five minute
- Remove any uneaten food
Recommended for use with:
Freshwater and marine fish larvae as well as small omnivorous and carnivorous fish. Also excellent for marine filter-feeding corals and other invertebrates