Aquaristic Online
B92 - Goniopora Pink
Quick Stats:
- Lighting: Low to High
- Flow: Medium
- Placement: Low to Top
- Feeding: Photosynthetic but may accept liquid or powdered foods
- Aggressiveness: Moderate
Characteristics: Goniopora are also known flowerpot corals because of their long polyps that extend outwards from their skeletons with 24 tentacles on the end, not to be confused with Alveopora which have a similar appearance but only 12 tentacles on their polyps. They tend to be rounded in shape and encrust onto surrounding substrate.
Colour: Goniopora are extremely colourful and come in a wide variety of colours from blues and purple to pinks and oranges. Some of the most sought after morphs have a deep orange tentacles with yellow mouths, or are bright pink with yellow tentacles.
Lighting: These corals tolerate a wide range of lighting anywhere from low to high lighting, about 50 – 175 PAR. As such it is best not to overwhelm them with too much light but slowly acclimatise them.
Flow: Goniopora typically look their best when they have strong enough water movement to cause their tentacles to sway. As such moderate and alternating flow is recommended as it will also help bring food to their tentacles.
Placement: They can be placed anywhere in the tank from the bottom to the top on some rockwork so that they can get some direct light, depending on where the specimen is from and to what it has been acclimated to. Adequate space should be left between this coral and it’s neighbours so that they may fully extend their polyps and to avoid aggression between it and its neihbours.
Feeding: They are photosynthetic but may also accept liquid or powdered foods such as amino acids or powdered plankton.