2Hr Aquarist APT Estimative Index
With the 2HR Aquarist APT-EI, the famous nutrient dosing approach pioneered by Tom Barr is now available in a ready-to-use concentrate that removes the guesswork from trying to recreate this powerful and sometimes elusive formula.
Dose 5ml per 100L 3 times per week or 2ml per 100L daily.
Comes with a calibrated pump.
500ml. Lasts approximately 3 months for a 190L tank.
Which APT?
Which product is right for me?
For tanks with more fish, fewer plants. For new tanks (<3 months) with aquasoil. Comprehensive nutrition without nitrates and phosphates for maximum algae control.
For tanks with more plants, fewer fish. 100% comprehensive macro, micro and trace minerals. Unique Capstone ratio unlocks richer colors and stronger growth.
For heavily planted Dutch Style tanks and users who understand EI methodology. Supremely concentrated and expertly balanced.
Dosage Guide for APT 1 ("APT Zero") and APT 3 ("APT Complete")
Total Dose in 1 week: this is the important target. It is the cumulative total amount that you should dose in one week. Plants do better with more uniform access to nutrients, so achieve this weekly target by dosing daily or a few times a week. Precision is less important than consistency.